Appendix 1 – Proposed Programme Budget


Context – Cohort size (as of 7/9/22)


Total Ukrainian young people cohort (ages 5-19)


School age Ukrainian cohort (5-16)


Post 16 Ukrainian cohort (17-18)


Target cohort = Mild to moderate MHEW needs (50% of school age CYP)



Activity costs


Proposed session cost allocation (including travel)


Number of weekly sessions / YP / year


Total number of sessions/year (cohort size x individual annual sessions)


Total cost of sessions/year (total sessions x allocated session cost)


Note: The proposed session cost of £20 has been calculated based on the average HAF session delivery costs and the costs of extra-curricular clubs already run by local activity providers.


Delivery staff costs


Total cost for 4 link workers / annum

Individual Link Worker cost (0.5FTE) - SS9



PROJECT COORDINATOR cost (0.4FTE) - SS13 / annum


Total proposed delivery staff cost / annum



Combined delivery costs


Year 1 - Combined delivery cost (staff and activities)


Interpretation costs (£100/child accessing support)


Provider learning and development (e.g. MHEW training)

Alternative funds being sourced

Total direct delivery costs


10% Management and Administration


Note: To fund staff capacity for Project Management resource within Equality, Participation and Strategic Partnerships team to oversee and evaluate project delivery.


Total cost


Total project costs for 1 year (including 10% Management)
